Combat Mechanics
The Combat Triangle
Like Alchemy, there is a Natural Forming Balance in Combat called The Combat Triangle.
Weak Against Spells Strong Against Range |
Weak Against Melee Strong Against Spells |
Spell Casting
Weak Against Range Strong Against Melee |
Ultimately, each of these have a distinct natural advantage over each other,
providing a Natural Ease to Create Combat Harmony.
Melee Weapons and Armour Conduct Energy
Melee Weapons and Armour Protect from Range Projectiles
Melee Weapons Cut Through Range Weapons and Armour
Range Weapons and Armour are Fragile to Melee Weapons
Range Weapons and Armour Absorb Energy
Range Weapons Easily Pierce Spell Caster Robes
Spell Weapons and Armour are Fragile to Range Weapons
Spell Weapons and Armour are Light Outrunning Melee Users
Spells Damage Magnified by Melee Weapons and Armour
Of course, too much of anything can destroy the other; Enough Spells can still overwhelm Range, Enough Melee can still overpower Spells, etc. But it would be 1/3 the chance rather than 2/3. Therefore, it is Naturally Encouraged to fight according to the Combat Triangle.
A New Type of Harmony
Although there is a Natural Flow of Harmony in the Combat Triangle, there are ways to Utilize the Strengths of other combat styles to find a New Type of Harmony.
For Example, wearing some Melee Defensive Gear can boost the Defenses of Rangers or Spell Casters so they may be stronger against Melee or Range. Although, making themselves both weaker to Spell Casters. The Variations are Expansive and Up to the User. |
Equipment Weight
Another significant factor to 'Weigh' upon is Equipment Weight.
Naturally, each type of equipment weighs differently.
Full Set Featherweight Armour / Weapons - 1 EW
Full Set Lightweight Armour / Weapons - 2 EW
Full Set Welterweight Armour / Weapons - 3 EW
Full Set Heavyweight Armour / Weapons - 4 EW
*Weapons also Factored in*
Equipment Weight Drains Your Stamina Wheel by +25% the Normal Rate per EW.
1 EW = 1.25x Normal Drain Rate
2 EW = 1.5x Normal Drain Rate
3 EW = 1.75x Normal Drain Rate
4 EW = 2x Normal Drain Rate
Naturally, each type of equipment weighs differently.
Full Set Featherweight Armour / Weapons - 1 EW
Full Set Lightweight Armour / Weapons - 2 EW
Full Set Welterweight Armour / Weapons - 3 EW
Full Set Heavyweight Armour / Weapons - 4 EW
*Weapons also Factored in*
Equipment Weight Drains Your Stamina Wheel by +25% the Normal Rate per EW.
1 EW = 1.25x Normal Drain Rate
2 EW = 1.5x Normal Drain Rate
3 EW = 1.75x Normal Drain Rate
4 EW = 2x Normal Drain Rate
The Influence of Combat Skills
Your Combat Level